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Zutaten: Zucker, pflanzliche Fette (Palm, Palmkern), Glukosesirup, Magermilchpulver, Salz, Emulgator (Sojalecithin), Aroma (natürliche Vanille). Dieses Produkt enthält: Nüsse und Eier.
1 Plastikbox enthält ca. 60 vorverpackte Fudge-Stücke.

Vanilla Mini Fudge Box


Cookies are boring, the future is fudge.

Tired of serving your guests the same old boring cookies? Surprise them with the incredibly soft flavor of Johnny Doodle’s Vanilla Fudge. So good, everyone will love it and feel right at home. These mini’s are individually packed to make sharing even easier. Home is where the fudge is!


Pro 100g

Energie 1984 kJ
Energie 472 kcal
Fette (gesamt) 20,0 gram
Davon gesättigt (Fette) 14,0 gram
Kohlenhydrate 72,0 gram
Davon Zucker 61,0 gram
Eiweiß 2,1 gram
Salz 0,68 gram
Ballaststoffe 0,000 gram